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Bem vindo ao Project Brasil Smile
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e ajudar os menos experiente com seu conhecimento e astucia Smile
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Comandos Dessa versao 5565 Completos (TUDO)

6 participantes

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Membro JR
Membro JR

Eu procurei esses comandos ate racha o bixo '-' deem valor xD
Tem todos ai, Da ate orgulho ta *-*, Nao esquece de agradeçer blz?


UPDADES DAY 15 = Pirates Soul,New Soul Itens P6,All Acessories,Some Others Garments!!
Updade Day 20 = CelestialStone,Itens For SubClass,Pirate Skills!
Upaded Day 21 = Some Fun Itens and CloudDeer Mount Armor!
Updade Day 22 = All Mounts Armors! and All Dances Skills + ViperFang and DragonTail!
Updade Day 25 = Some Others Garments!
Updade Day 30/03 = Some New Itens!(Soon I Will Post All)
@item BloodThirst 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item SaintDragon 1 12 7 255 13 13
#Radom Itens:
@item LifeFruitBasket 5 0 0 0 0
@item PenitenceAmulet 7 0 0 0 0
@item 999RedRoses 9 0 0 0 0
@item 999Lilies 9 0 0 0 0
@item 999Orchids 9 0 0 0 0
@item 999Tulips 9 0 0 0 0
@item Sash(L) 9 0 0 0 0
@item FireStick 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item SugarGourd 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item RedRose 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item PinkRose 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item WhiteRose 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item LoveForever 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item GiftHat 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item NewYearCap 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item ChristmasCap 3 12 7 255 13 13
Use @studypoints 1000000 To Receive Points For Sub-Class Promote!
Sub-Class Itens:
@item Bomb 1 0 0 0 0
@item CelestialStone 9 0 0 0 0
@item YinYangFruit 8 0 0 0 0
@item LuckyAmulet 7 0 0 0 0
@item MeteorTear 2 0 0 0 0
@item CelestialStone 9 0 0 0 0
@item Saddle 3 0 0 0 0
New SoulItens (The Others Itens Soul Go Page Down!)
@item SaintNecklace 1 0 0 0 0
@item SaintBoots 7 0 0 0 0
@item SaintHeadgear 1 0 0 0 0
@item SaintRing 5 0 0 0 0
@item SaintBracelet 6 0 0 0 0
@item SaintShield 1 0 0 0 0
@item SaintHeavyRing 7 0 0 0 0
@item SaintBag 2 0 0 0 0
@item HolyHeadgear 2 0 0 0 0
@item DestinyRapier 9 0 0 0 0
@item TimePistol 4 0 0 0 0
Pirates Itens:
@class 75
@item CaptainRapier Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item LordPistol Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item DarkDragonCoat Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item DominatorHat Super 12 7 255 13 13
Saddle Commands:
@item Saddle 3 0 0 0 0
MoonBox Command:
@item MoonBox 1 0 0 0 0
CelestialStone Command:
@item CelestialStone 9 0 0 0 0
@item GoldPrize Normalv3 12 7 255 13 13
ALL Mount Armors!!!!!!!
@item PurpleTiger 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item ScarletTiger 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item SigilTiger 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item BlazeTiger 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item InfernoTiger 4 12 7 255 13 13
@item ChaosTiger 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item SapphireTiger 6 12 7 255 13 13
@item FuriousTiger 7 12 7 255 13 13
@item RunedTiger 8 12 7 255 13 13
@item GoldenTiger 9 12 7 255 13 13
@item CloudTiger 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item RageTiger 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item ThunderTiger 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item RedDeer 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item MarshDeer 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item SikaDeer 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item EmeraldDeer 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item GoldenDeer 4 12 7 255 13 13
@item JoyDeer 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item CelestialDeer 6 12 7 255 13 13
@item CloudDeer 7 12 7 255 13 13
@item IcyDeer 8 12 7 255 13 13
@item AmethystDeer 9 12 7 255 13 13
@item SaintDeer 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item DreamDeer 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item CrimsonDeer 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item CeriseDeer 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item GlowingDeer 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item PhantomDeer 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item MirageDeer 4 12 7 255 13 13
@item JasperDeer 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item CelestialDeer 6 12 7 255 13 13
@item SoulTiger 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item IcyTiger 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item HazeTiger 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item EmeraldTiger 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item AbyssTiger 4 12 7 255 13 13
@item JasperTiger 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item GreenDeer 7 12 7 255 13 13
@item Somesault~Cloud 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item PolarBear 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item AncientElephant 8 12 7 255 13 13
@item CelestialBird 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item SilverBeast 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item GreenEyedBeast 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item JadeHare 7 12 7 255 13 13
(Some Garments i need test!)
@item PartyDress(Lady) NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item CaribbeanPirate NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item Doctor`sJacket NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item Delight~of~Speed NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item FatalAllure NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item ChristmasCostume NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item Evernight NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item PunkRocker NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item EveningWear NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item WhiteCollarSuit NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item Spartan`sPride NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item FamilyBusiness NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item PhoenixGown NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item SwallowtailGown NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item MiaoDress NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item WarlockRobe NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item MongolianDress NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item UyghurDress NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item ManchuDress NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item KoreanDress NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item CeletialRobe NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item BlueDream NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item MoonOrchid NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item FeatherDress NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item HeavenScent NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item CherryBlossom NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item DreaminFlowers NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item PekingGeneral NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item MonkeyKingGown NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item BeachSuit NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item DivineRobe NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item GoodLuck NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item DuskRomance NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item SandRaider NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item ChristmasCostume NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item PekingGeneral NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item MonkeyKingGown NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item Beggar`sRags fixed 12 7 255 13 13
@item HolyArmor 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item WarriorArmor 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item FighterArmor 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item SchoolUniform 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item FairyGarment 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item AncientGeneral 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item AncientBeauty 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item ChristmasSuit 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item FishPole 8 12 7 255 13 13
@item Bunny 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item LightSaber 8 12 7 255 13 13
@item Broom 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item BlueGuitar 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item DragonBone 4 12 7 255 13 13
@item Oar 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item Pipa 6 12 7 255 13 13
@item PalmLeafFan 7 12 7 255 13 138
@item IronShovel 8 12 7 255 13 13
@item FrozenTuna 8 12 7 255 13 13
@item IceStick 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item IronWillFlag 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item Wrench 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item Umbrella 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item Blowfish 4 12 7 255 13 13
@item FeatherDuster 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item Spatula 6 12 7 255 13 13
@item InvincibleFist 7 12 7 255 13 13
@item Pan 9 12 7 255 13 13
@item Handbag 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item Backpack 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item SportsBag 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item GoodEveningBear 4 12 7 255 13 13
@item Rod 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item Clap 6 12 7 255 13 13
@item HeavyHammer 7 12 7 255 13 13
@item TennisRacket 9 12 7 255 13 13
@item ApeCityHam 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item CharmingRose 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item LoveBow 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item WoodenBow 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item Harp 4 12 7 255 13 13
@item SeaHorse 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item Wok 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item TurtleShell 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item ForceBow 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item LoveShield 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item ArcaneShield 6 12 7 255 13 13
@item Wheel 5 12 7 255 13 13
@money 999999999 < give to you 999,999,999 money
@cps 999999999 < give to you 999,999,999 cps
@level 140
*Pure Skills*

@sell 10400 - Serenity

@spell 10425 - Tranquiility

@spell 10430 - Compassion

@spell 10313 - StarArrow

@spell 10315 - DragonWhirl

@spell 10310 - HeavenBlade

@spell 10311 - Perseverance

@spell 30000 - AzureShield

@spell 6003 - Counter-Kill

@class 15

@item SkyBlade Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item SquallSword Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item NirvanaClub Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item ObsidianArmor Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item PeerlessCoronet Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item FloridNecklace Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Blizzard Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item CrimsonRing Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Volcano Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item DreamEarrings Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item HeavenFan Super 12 7 255 103 103

@item StarTower Super 12 7 255 123 123

@item GoldPrize Normalv3 12 7 255 13 13

@item RidingCrop Super 12 7 255 13 13

@class 45

@item HeavenlyBow Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item WelkinCoat Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item WhiteTigerHat Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item HeavenPlume Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item FloridNecklace Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Blizzard Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item CrimsonRing Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Volcano Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item DreamEarrings Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item HeavenFan Super 12 7 255 103 103

@item StarTower Super 12 7 255 123 123

@item GoldPrize Normalv3 12 7 255 13 13

@item RidingCrop Super 12 7 255 13 13

@class 55

@item HanzoKatana Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item NightmareVest Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item RambleVeil Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item NightmareHood Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item FloridNecklace Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Blizzard Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item CrimsonRing Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Volcano Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item DreamEarrings Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item HeavenFan Super 12 7 255 103 103

@item StarTower Super 12 7 255 123 123

@item GoldPrize Normalv3 12 7 255 13 13

@item RidingCrop Super 12 7 255 13 13

@class 65

@item LazuritePrayerBeads Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item WhiteLotusFrock Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item XumiCap Super 12 255 255 13 13

@item FloridNecklace Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Blizzard Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item CrimsonRing Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Volcano Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item DreamEarrings Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item HeavenFan Super 12 7 255 103 103

@item StarTower Super 12 7 255 123 123

@item GoldPrize Normalv3 12 7 255 13 13

@item HeadbandOfTheBuddha Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item RobeOfTheBuddha Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item BeadsOfConsciousness Super 12 255 13 13

@item RidingCrop Super 12 7 255 13 13

@class 25

@item SpearOfWrath Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item OccultWand Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item VigorGlaive Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item HawkPoleaxe Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item FlameHalbert Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item ImperiousArmor Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item CelestialShield Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item SteelHelmet Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item DragonHeadband Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item FloridNecklace Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Blizzard Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item CrimsonRing Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Volcano Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item DreamEarrings Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item HeavenFan Super 12 7 255 103 103

@item StarTower Super 12 7 255 123 123

@item GoldPrize Normalv3 12 7 255 13 13

@item RidingCrop Super 12 7 255 13 13

@class 135 - Water

@class 145 - Fire

@item SupremeSword Super 12 7 255 3 3

@item EternalRobe Super 12 7 255 3 3

@item DistinctCap Super 12 7 255 3 3

@item DreamEarrings Super 12 7 255 3 3

@item WyvernBracelet Super 12 7 255 3 3

@item NiftyBag Super 12 7 255 3 3

@item HeavenFan Super 12 7 255 103 103

@item StarTower Super 12 7 255 123 123

@item GoldPrize Normalv3 12 7 255 3 3

@item RidingCrop Super 12 7 255 13 13
Weapon Profs:

@prof 410 20 - Blade
@prof 420 20 - Sword
@prof 421 20 - Backsword
@prof 430 20 - Hook
@prof 440 20 - Whip
@prof 450 20 - Axe
@prof 460 20 - Hammer
@prof 480 20 - Club
@prof 481 20 - Scepter
@prof 490 20 - Dagger
@prof 601 20 - Katana
@prof 510 20 - Glaive
@prof 530 20 - Poleaxe
@prof 540 20 - LongHammer
@prof 550 20 - Scythe
@prof 560 20 - Spear
@prof 562 20 - Pickaxe
@prof 580 20 - Halberd
@prof 561 20 - Wand
@prof 500 20 - Bow
@prof 900 20 - Shield
@prof 422 20 - Other
@prof 000 20 - Boxing
@prof 611 20 - Rapier
@prof 612 20 - Pistol

@item SkyBlade Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item SquallSword Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item NirvanaClub Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item InfernalDagger Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item EmpyreanHook Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item WyvernAxe Super 12 97 255 13 13
@item PilgrimHammer Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item ThunderWhip Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item ArcaneScepter Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item SpearOfWrath Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item OccultWand Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item VigorGlaive Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item HawkPoleaxe Super12 7 255 13 13
@item FlameHalbert Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item HeavenlyBow Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item SupremeSword Super 12 7 255 3 3
@item HanzoKatana Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item ArhatPrayerBeads Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item CaptainRapier Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item LordPistol Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item ImperiousArmor Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item CelestialShield Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item ObsidianArmor Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item WelkinCoat Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item EternalRobe Super 12 7 255 3 3
@item NightmareVest Super 12 7 255 3 3
@item DarkDragonCoat Super 12 7 255 13 13

Head Itens:
@item SteelHelmet Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item DragonHeadband Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item PeerlessCoronet Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item WhiteTigerHat Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item HeavenPlume Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item DistinctCap Super 12 7 255 3 3
@item RambleVeil Super 12 7 255 3 3
@item NightmareHood Super 12 7 255 3 3
@item DominatorHat Super 12 7 255 13 13

Others Itens:
@item FloridNecklace Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item Blizzard Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item Thunder Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item Volcano Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item DreamEarrings Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item WyvernBracelet Super 12 7 255 3 3
@item NiftyBag Super 12 7 255 3 3

@item MagicalBottle Normalv3 12 7 255 13 13
@item MiraculousGourd Normalv3 12 7 255 13 13
@item HeavenFan Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item StarTower Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item GoldCup NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13

@item GrimHammer 0 0 0 0 0

@item BillowHammer 0 0 0 0 0

@item JadeAxe 0 0 0 0 0

@item StiffSword 0 0 0 0 0

@item TombBlade 0 0 0 0 0

@item BloodyGlaive 0 0 0 0 0

@item CelestialSpear 0 0 0 0 0

@item ResplendentWand 0 0 0 0 0

@item ArchonWand 0 0 0 0 0

@item BurntBacksword 0 0 0 0 0

@item CrystalShield 0 0 0 0 0

@item PhantomKatana 0 0 0 0 0 0

@item LunarKatana 0 0 0 0 0 0

@item HolyBeadsOfMagnanimity 0 0 0 0 0

@item CrimsonBracelet 2 0 0 0 0

@item SoulRing 1 0 0 0 0

@item AzureHat 6 0 0 0 0

@item WhirlpoolArmor 3 0 0 0 0

@item SurgeHeadgear 3 0 0 0 0

@item PneumaBacksword 3 0 0 0 0

@item StealthKatana 7 0 0 0 0

@item DivineHeavyRing 1 0 0 0 0

@item RadiantSword 4 0 0 0 0

@item AmbitionArmor 2 0 0 0 0

@item GrassBracelet 30 0 0 0

@item FlameBoots 1 0 0 0 0

@item VioletRing 2 0 0 0 0

@item HolyBeadsOfConsciousness 2 0 0 0 0

@item SolarHat 7 0 0 0 0

@item OceanArmor 6 0 0 0 0

@item WaterflowArmor 5 0 0 0 0

@item GlazeRing 6 0 0 0 0

@item HolyBeadsOfPercept 3 0 0 0 0

@item LotusHeadgear 4 0 0 0 0

@item WingedBow 6 0 0 0 0

@item ThunderShield 5 0 0 0 0

@item CoilArmor 4 0 0 0 0

@item HolyHeavyRing 3 0 0 0 0

@item IceHeavyRing 5 0 0 0 0

@item FlameHat 1 0 0 0 0

@item BerylRing 7 0 0 0 0

@item GlacierBracelet 9 0 0 0 0

@item BackFlowShield 3 0 0 0 0

@item GraceBow 3 0 0 0 0

@item RageHeadgear 2 0 0 0 0

@item WaveShield 4 0 0 0 0

@item FlameShield 1 0 0 0 0

@item FlameArmor 1 0 0 0 0

@item MoonHammer 5 0 0 0 0

@item OnimaKatana 6 0 0 0 0

@item SnakeHalbert 4 0 0 0 0

@item LotusBacksword 2 0 0 0 0

@item NecklaceSoulLv125 4 0 0 0 0

@item SaintRing 5 0 0 0 0

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 162 12 23 Charcoal Steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 62 42 15 Beige Steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 11 42 12 Star Steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 172 125 23 Brown Steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 0 206 206 Crystal Steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 0 206 206 Purple Steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 187 135 201 Spit Fire

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 62 63 184 Frost Bite

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 148 156 137 Blaze Hoof Steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 147 156 137 Golden Steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 212 156 137 Plaid steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 212 122 166 Purple steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 135 237 178 Diamond steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 135 211 211 sunset steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 135 211 211 yellow steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 154 136 236 passion steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 212 214 121 Amber steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 124 201 123 cobalt steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 100 0 0 charocal steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 0 200 0 star steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 0 251 124 white steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 251 124 0 maroon steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 251 0 124 coral steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 124 0 251 black steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 50 50 50 beige steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 153 159 32 misty steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 148 1 196 indigo steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 196 1 196 pink steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 1 236 230 crystal steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 230 236 1 kahki steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 230 236 50 moon steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 1 150 150 mortar steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 50 150 150 mount rime

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 150 50 150 agate steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 150 150 50 mount nightmare

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 150 100 100 snowy steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 100 100 190 ivory steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 50 200 50 pearl steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 50 50 150 mauve steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 220 220 1 tawny steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 125 1 125 marble steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 125 125 200 paisley steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 50 160 90 emerald steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 142 39 46 Zebra

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 147 134 122 spotted steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 130 40 205 shadow steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 0 206 122 jade steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 90 142 190 pine steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 130 79 186 red steed
Rare Steeds:
@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 142 39 46
@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 187 135 201
@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 147 134 122
@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 62 63 184
#Pure Skills:
@spell 10400 0 Serenity
@spell 10425 Tranquiility
@spell 10430 4 Compassion
@spell 10313 4 StarArrow for archer
@spell 10315 4 DragonWhirl
@spell 10310 4 HeavenBlade
@spell 10311 0 Perseverance
@spell 30000 4 AzureShield
#Dances Skills
@spell 1380
@spell 1385
@spell 1390
@spell 1395
@spell 1400
@spell 1405
@spell 1410
@spell 1415
@spell 1416
@spell 1417
@spell 1418
@spell 1419
@spell 1420
@spell 1421
@spell 1422
@spell 1423
#ViperFang + DragonTail
@spell 11000 4
@spell 11005 4
#Monk Skills
@spell 10410 1
@spell 10381 1
@spell 10405 1
@spell 10425 1
@spell 10415 1
#Pirate Skills
@spell 11100 4
@spell 11030 4
@spell 11040 4
@spell 11050 4
@spell 11060 4
@spell 11070 4
@spell 11120 4
@spell 11130 4
@spell 11110 4
@spell 11140 4
#All Skills

@spell 3321 0 Piglett
@spell 6001 4 ToxicFog
@spell 6002 4 PoisonStar
@spell 6000 4 TwofoldBlades
@spell 6003 4 CounterKill
@spell 6004 4 ArcherBane
@spell 6010 0 ShurikenVortex
@spell 6011 0 FatalStrike
@spell 1000 4 thunder
@spell 1001 4 fire
@spell 1025 0 superman (Xp)
@spell 1002 3 tornado
@spell 1045 4 fast blade
@spell 1046 4 scent sword
@spell 1125 1 �������
@spell 1050 1 dash
@spell 1095 4 stigma
@spell 1110 0 cyclona
@spell 1115 4 hercules
@spell 1150 9 FireRing
@spell 1160 9 Bomb
@spell 165 9 FireofHell
@spell 1170 9 Nectar
@spell 1175 9 AdvancedCure
@spell 1180 9 FireMeteor
@spell 1190 9 SpiritHealing
@spell 1195 9 Meditation
@spell 1250 9 WideStrike
@spell 1260 9 SpeedGen
@spell 1270 9 Golem
@spell 1280 9 WaterElf
@spell 1290 9 Penetration
@spell 1300 9 Halt
@spell 1320 9 FlyingMoon
@spell 1350 9 DivinHare
@spell 1360 9 NightDevil
@spell 3050 9 CruelShade
@spell 3080 9 Dodge
@spell 3090 9 Pervade
@spell 3310 9 CuteBunny
@spell 3320 9 tuzi
@spell 5000 9 FreezingArrow
@spell 5001 9 SpeedLightning
@spell 5002 9 Poison
@spell 5010 9 Snow
@spell 5020 9 StrandedMonster
@spell 5030 9 Phoenix
@spell 5040 9 Boom
@spell 5050 9 Boreas
@spell 5100 IronShirt
@spell 7000 1 Seizer
@spell 7010 1 Earthquake
@spell 7020 9 Rage
@spell 7030 1 Celestial
@spell 7040 1 Roamer
@spell 7100 1 Seizer0
@spell 8000 1 RapidFire
@spell 8001 1 Scatter
@spell 8030 1 ArrowRain
@spell 8002 1 Fly
@spell 8036 1 Gua
@spell 8040 1 Turkey
@spell 8041 1 StoneMonster
@spell 8042 1 FireSnake
@spell 8043 1 RoaringApe
@spell 8044 1 SandMonster
@spell 1005 4 cura
@spell 1260 9 SpeedGun
@spell 1250 9 WideStrik
@spell 1300 9 Halt
@spell 5010 9 Snow
@spell 5020 9 StrandedMonster
@spell 5050 9 Boreas
@spell 10154 Accuracy
@spell 1175 4 AdvancedCure
@spell 1195 2 Meditation
@spell 1100 Pray/Revive
@spell 1095 4 Stigma
@spell 1165 3 FireofHell
@spell 1170 4 Nectar
@spell 1180 7 FireMeteor
@spell 8001 5 Scatter
@spell 9000 3 Intensify
@spell 8000 5 RapidFire
@spell 8002 9 XP Fly
@spell 8003 1 AdvancedFly
@spell 8030 0 ArrowRain
@spell 1020 0 XP Shield
@spell 1110 0 Cyclone
@spell 1350 4 DivineHare
@spell 1010 0 Lightning
@spell 1320 2 FlyingMoon
@spell 4000 3 SummonGuard
@spell 4010 0 SummonBat
@spell 3080 0 Dodge
@spell 9876 0 LuckyTime

Última edição por MaxTer em Dom Ago 19, 2012 8:22 pm, editado 1 vez(es)



Server para source 5530 amigão?



Obrigado por postar na proxima bote em código, para ficar mais organizado


Membro JR
Membro JR

Sim, Funciona ne 5530 perfeitamente, Só não Funcionam os Itens de pirata ne 5530, Os resto ta de boa...



ai legal man ong tavo precisando msm


Sangue Suga
Sangue Suga

MaxTer escreveu:
Eu procurei esses comandos ate racha o bixo '-' deem valor xD
Tem todos ai, Da ate orgulho ta *-*, Nao esquece de agradeçer blz?


UPDADES DAY 15 = Pirates Soul,New Soul Itens P6,All Acessories,Some Others Garments!!
Updade Day 20 = CelestialStone,Itens For SubClass,Pirate Skills!
Upaded Day 21 = Some Fun Itens and CloudDeer Mount Armor!
Updade Day 22 = All Mounts Armors! and All Dances Skills + ViperFang and DragonTail!
Updade Day 25 = Some Others Garments!
Updade Day 30/03 = Some New Itens!(Soon I Will Post All)
@item BloodThirst 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item SaintDragon 1 12 7 255 13 13
#Radom Itens:
@item LifeFruitBasket 5 0 0 0 0
@item PenitenceAmulet 7 0 0 0 0
@item 999RedRoses 9 0 0 0 0
@item 999Lilies 9 0 0 0 0
@item 999Orchids 9 0 0 0 0
@item 999Tulips 9 0 0 0 0
@item Sash(L) 9 0 0 0 0
@item FireStick 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item SugarGourd 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item RedRose 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item PinkRose 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item WhiteRose 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item LoveForever 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item GiftHat 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item NewYearCap 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item ChristmasCap 3 12 7 255 13 13
Use @studypoints 1000000 To Receive Points For Sub-Class Promote!
Sub-Class Itens:
@item Bomb 1 0 0 0 0
@item CelestialStone 9 0 0 0 0
@item YinYangFruit 8 0 0 0 0
@item LuckyAmulet 7 0 0 0 0
@item MeteorTear 2 0 0 0 0
@item CelestialStone 9 0 0 0 0
@item Saddle 3 0 0 0 0
New SoulItens (The Others Itens Soul Go Page Down!)
@item SaintNecklace 1 0 0 0 0
@item SaintBoots 7 0 0 0 0
@item SaintHeadgear 1 0 0 0 0
@item SaintRing 5 0 0 0 0
@item SaintBracelet 6 0 0 0 0
@item SaintShield 1 0 0 0 0
@item SaintHeavyRing 7 0 0 0 0
@item SaintBag 2 0 0 0 0
@item HolyHeadgear 2 0 0 0 0
@item DestinyRapier 9 0 0 0 0
@item TimePistol 4 0 0 0 0
Pirates Itens:
@class 75
@item CaptainRapier Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item LordPistol Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item DarkDragonCoat Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item DominatorHat Super 12 7 255 13 13
Saddle Commands:
@item Saddle 3 0 0 0 0
MoonBox Command:
@item MoonBox 1 0 0 0 0
CelestialStone Command:
@item CelestialStone 9 0 0 0 0
@item GoldPrize Normalv3 12 7 255 13 13
ALL Mount Armors!!!!!!!
@item PurpleTiger 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item ScarletTiger 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item SigilTiger 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item BlazeTiger 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item InfernoTiger 4 12 7 255 13 13
@item ChaosTiger 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item SapphireTiger 6 12 7 255 13 13
@item FuriousTiger 7 12 7 255 13 13
@item RunedTiger 8 12 7 255 13 13
@item GoldenTiger 9 12 7 255 13 13
@item CloudTiger 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item RageTiger 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item ThunderTiger 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item RedDeer 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item MarshDeer 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item SikaDeer 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item EmeraldDeer 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item GoldenDeer 4 12 7 255 13 13
@item JoyDeer 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item CelestialDeer 6 12 7 255 13 13
@item CloudDeer 7 12 7 255 13 13
@item IcyDeer 8 12 7 255 13 13
@item AmethystDeer 9 12 7 255 13 13
@item SaintDeer 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item DreamDeer 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item CrimsonDeer 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item CeriseDeer 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item GlowingDeer 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item PhantomDeer 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item MirageDeer 4 12 7 255 13 13
@item JasperDeer 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item CelestialDeer 6 12 7 255 13 13
@item SoulTiger 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item IcyTiger 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item HazeTiger 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item EmeraldTiger 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item AbyssTiger 4 12 7 255 13 13
@item JasperTiger 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item GreenDeer 7 12 7 255 13 13
@item Somesault~Cloud 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item PolarBear 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item AncientElephant 8 12 7 255 13 13
@item CelestialBird 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item SilverBeast 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item GreenEyedBeast 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item JadeHare 7 12 7 255 13 13
(Some Garments i need test!)
@item PartyDress(Lady) NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item CaribbeanPirate NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item Doctor`sJacket NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item Delight~of~Speed NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item FatalAllure NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item ChristmasCostume NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item Evernight NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item PunkRocker NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item EveningWear NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item WhiteCollarSuit NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item Spartan`sPride NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item FamilyBusiness NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item PhoenixGown NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item SwallowtailGown NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item MiaoDress NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item WarlockRobe NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item MongolianDress NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item UyghurDress NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item ManchuDress NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item KoreanDress NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item CeletialRobe NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item BlueDream NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item MoonOrchid NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item FeatherDress NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item HeavenScent NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item CherryBlossom NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item DreaminFlowers NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item PekingGeneral NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item MonkeyKingGown NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item BeachSuit NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item DivineRobe NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item GoodLuck NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item DuskRomance NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item SandRaider NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item ChristmasCostume NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item PekingGeneral NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item MonkeyKingGown NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13
@item Beggar`sRags fixed 12 7 255 13 13
@item HolyArmor 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item WarriorArmor 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item FighterArmor 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item SchoolUniform 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item FairyGarment 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item AncientGeneral 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item AncientBeauty 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item ChristmasSuit 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item FishPole 8 12 7 255 13 13
@item Bunny 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item LightSaber 8 12 7 255 13 13
@item Broom 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item BlueGuitar 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item DragonBone 4 12 7 255 13 13
@item Oar 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item Pipa 6 12 7 255 13 13
@item PalmLeafFan 7 12 7 255 13 138
@item IronShovel 8 12 7 255 13 13
@item FrozenTuna 8 12 7 255 13 13
@item IceStick 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item IronWillFlag 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item Wrench 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item Umbrella 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item Blowfish 4 12 7 255 13 13
@item FeatherDuster 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item Spatula 6 12 7 255 13 13
@item InvincibleFist 7 12 7 255 13 13
@item Pan 9 12 7 255 13 13
@item Handbag 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item Backpack 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item SportsBag 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item GoodEveningBear 4 12 7 255 13 13
@item Rod 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item Clap 6 12 7 255 13 13
@item HeavyHammer 7 12 7 255 13 13
@item TennisRacket 9 12 7 255 13 13
@item ApeCityHam 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item CharmingRose 0 12 7 255 13 13
@item LoveBow 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item WoodenBow 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item Harp 4 12 7 255 13 13
@item SeaHorse 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item Wok 1 12 7 255 13 13
@item TurtleShell 2 12 7 255 13 13
@item ForceBow 5 12 7 255 13 13
@item LoveShield 3 12 7 255 13 13
@item ArcaneShield 6 12 7 255 13 13
@item Wheel 5 12 7 255 13 13
@money 999999999 < give to you 999,999,999 money
@cps 999999999 < give to you 999,999,999 cps
@level 140
*Pure Skills*

@sell 10400 - Serenity

@spell 10425 - Tranquiility

@spell 10430 - Compassion

@spell 10313 - StarArrow

@spell 10315 - DragonWhirl

@spell 10310 - HeavenBlade

@spell 10311 - Perseverance

@spell 30000 - AzureShield

@spell 6003 - Counter-Kill

@class 15

@item SkyBlade Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item SquallSword Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item NirvanaClub Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item ObsidianArmor Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item PeerlessCoronet Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item FloridNecklace Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Blizzard Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item CrimsonRing Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Volcano Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item DreamEarrings Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item HeavenFan Super 12 7 255 103 103

@item StarTower Super 12 7 255 123 123

@item GoldPrize Normalv3 12 7 255 13 13

@item RidingCrop Super 12 7 255 13 13

@class 45

@item HeavenlyBow Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item WelkinCoat Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item WhiteTigerHat Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item HeavenPlume Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item FloridNecklace Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Blizzard Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item CrimsonRing Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Volcano Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item DreamEarrings Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item HeavenFan Super 12 7 255 103 103

@item StarTower Super 12 7 255 123 123

@item GoldPrize Normalv3 12 7 255 13 13

@item RidingCrop Super 12 7 255 13 13

@class 55

@item HanzoKatana Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item NightmareVest Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item RambleVeil Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item NightmareHood Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item FloridNecklace Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Blizzard Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item CrimsonRing Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Volcano Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item DreamEarrings Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item HeavenFan Super 12 7 255 103 103

@item StarTower Super 12 7 255 123 123

@item GoldPrize Normalv3 12 7 255 13 13

@item RidingCrop Super 12 7 255 13 13

@class 65

@item LazuritePrayerBeads Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item WhiteLotusFrock Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item XumiCap Super 12 255 255 13 13

@item FloridNecklace Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Blizzard Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item CrimsonRing Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Volcano Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item DreamEarrings Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item HeavenFan Super 12 7 255 103 103

@item StarTower Super 12 7 255 123 123

@item GoldPrize Normalv3 12 7 255 13 13

@item HeadbandOfTheBuddha Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item RobeOfTheBuddha Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item BeadsOfConsciousness Super 12 255 13 13

@item RidingCrop Super 12 7 255 13 13

@class 25

@item SpearOfWrath Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item OccultWand Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item VigorGlaive Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item HawkPoleaxe Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item FlameHalbert Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item ImperiousArmor Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item CelestialShield Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item SteelHelmet Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item DragonHeadband Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item FloridNecklace Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Blizzard Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item CrimsonRing Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item Volcano Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item DreamEarrings Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item HeavenFan Super 12 7 255 103 103

@item StarTower Super 12 7 255 123 123

@item GoldPrize Normalv3 12 7 255 13 13

@item RidingCrop Super 12 7 255 13 13

@class 135 - Water

@class 145 - Fire

@item SupremeSword Super 12 7 255 3 3

@item EternalRobe Super 12 7 255 3 3

@item DistinctCap Super 12 7 255 3 3

@item DreamEarrings Super 12 7 255 3 3

@item WyvernBracelet Super 12 7 255 3 3

@item NiftyBag Super 12 7 255 3 3

@item HeavenFan Super 12 7 255 103 103

@item StarTower Super 12 7 255 123 123

@item GoldPrize Normalv3 12 7 255 3 3

@item RidingCrop Super 12 7 255 13 13
Weapon Profs:

@prof 410 20 - Blade
@prof 420 20 - Sword
@prof 421 20 - Backsword
@prof 430 20 - Hook
@prof 440 20 - Whip
@prof 450 20 - Axe
@prof 460 20 - Hammer
@prof 480 20 - Club
@prof 481 20 - Scepter
@prof 490 20 - Dagger
@prof 601 20 - Katana
@prof 510 20 - Glaive
@prof 530 20 - Poleaxe
@prof 540 20 - LongHammer
@prof 550 20 - Scythe
@prof 560 20 - Spear
@prof 562 20 - Pickaxe
@prof 580 20 - Halberd
@prof 561 20 - Wand
@prof 500 20 - Bow
@prof 900 20 - Shield
@prof 422 20 - Other
@prof 000 20 - Boxing
@prof 611 20 - Rapier
@prof 612 20 - Pistol

@item SkyBlade Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item SquallSword Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item NirvanaClub Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item InfernalDagger Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item EmpyreanHook Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item WyvernAxe Super 12 97 255 13 13
@item PilgrimHammer Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item ThunderWhip Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item ArcaneScepter Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item SpearOfWrath Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item OccultWand Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item VigorGlaive Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item HawkPoleaxe Super12 7 255 13 13
@item FlameHalbert Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item HeavenlyBow Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item SupremeSword Super 12 7 255 3 3
@item HanzoKatana Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item ArhatPrayerBeads Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item CaptainRapier Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item LordPistol Super 12 7 255 13 13

@item ImperiousArmor Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item CelestialShield Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item ObsidianArmor Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item WelkinCoat Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item EternalRobe Super 12 7 255 3 3
@item NightmareVest Super 12 7 255 3 3
@item DarkDragonCoat Super 12 7 255 13 13

Head Itens:
@item SteelHelmet Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item DragonHeadband Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item PeerlessCoronet Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item WhiteTigerHat Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item HeavenPlume Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item DistinctCap Super 12 7 255 3 3
@item RambleVeil Super 12 7 255 3 3
@item NightmareHood Super 12 7 255 3 3
@item DominatorHat Super 12 7 255 13 13

Others Itens:
@item FloridNecklace Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item Blizzard Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item Thunder Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item Volcano Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item DreamEarrings Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item WyvernBracelet Super 12 7 255 3 3
@item NiftyBag Super 12 7 255 3 3

@item MagicalBottle Normalv3 12 7 255 13 13
@item MiraculousGourd Normalv3 12 7 255 13 13
@item HeavenFan Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item StarTower Super 12 7 255 13 13
@item GoldCup NormalV3 12 7 255 13 13

@item GrimHammer 0 0 0 0 0

@item BillowHammer 0 0 0 0 0

@item JadeAxe 0 0 0 0 0

@item StiffSword 0 0 0 0 0

@item TombBlade 0 0 0 0 0

@item BloodyGlaive 0 0 0 0 0

@item CelestialSpear 0 0 0 0 0

@item ResplendentWand 0 0 0 0 0

@item ArchonWand 0 0 0 0 0

@item BurntBacksword 0 0 0 0 0

@item CrystalShield 0 0 0 0 0

@item PhantomKatana 0 0 0 0 0 0

@item LunarKatana 0 0 0 0 0 0

@item HolyBeadsOfMagnanimity 0 0 0 0 0

@item CrimsonBracelet 2 0 0 0 0

@item SoulRing 1 0 0 0 0

@item AzureHat 6 0 0 0 0

@item WhirlpoolArmor 3 0 0 0 0

@item SurgeHeadgear 3 0 0 0 0

@item PneumaBacksword 3 0 0 0 0

@item StealthKatana 7 0 0 0 0

@item DivineHeavyRing 1 0 0 0 0

@item RadiantSword 4 0 0 0 0

@item AmbitionArmor 2 0 0 0 0

@item GrassBracelet 30 0 0 0

@item FlameBoots 1 0 0 0 0

@item VioletRing 2 0 0 0 0

@item HolyBeadsOfConsciousness 2 0 0 0 0

@item SolarHat 7 0 0 0 0

@item OceanArmor 6 0 0 0 0

@item WaterflowArmor 5 0 0 0 0

@item GlazeRing 6 0 0 0 0

@item HolyBeadsOfPercept 3 0 0 0 0

@item LotusHeadgear 4 0 0 0 0

@item WingedBow 6 0 0 0 0

@item ThunderShield 5 0 0 0 0

@item CoilArmor 4 0 0 0 0

@item HolyHeavyRing 3 0 0 0 0

@item IceHeavyRing 5 0 0 0 0

@item FlameHat 1 0 0 0 0

@item BerylRing 7 0 0 0 0

@item GlacierBracelet 9 0 0 0 0

@item BackFlowShield 3 0 0 0 0

@item GraceBow 3 0 0 0 0

@item RageHeadgear 2 0 0 0 0

@item WaveShield 4 0 0 0 0

@item FlameShield 1 0 0 0 0

@item FlameArmor 1 0 0 0 0

@item MoonHammer 5 0 0 0 0

@item OnimaKatana 6 0 0 0 0

@item SnakeHalbert 4 0 0 0 0

@item LotusBacksword 2 0 0 0 0

@item NecklaceSoulLv125 4 0 0 0 0

@item SaintRing 5 0 0 0 0

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 162 12 23 Charcoal Steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 62 42 15 Beige Steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 11 42 12 Star Steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 172 125 23 Brown Steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 0 206 206 Crystal Steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 0 206 206 Purple Steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 187 135 201 Spit Fire

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 62 63 184 Frost Bite

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 148 156 137 Blaze Hoof Steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 147 156 137 Golden Steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 212 156 137 Plaid steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 212 122 166 Purple steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 135 237 178 Diamond steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 135 211 211 sunset steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 135 211 211 yellow steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 154 136 236 passion steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 212 214 121 Amber steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 124 201 123 cobalt steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 100 0 0 charocal steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 0 200 0 star steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 0 251 124 white steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 251 124 0 maroon steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 251 0 124 coral steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 124 0 251 black steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 50 50 50 beige steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 153 159 32 misty steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 148 1 196 indigo steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 196 1 196 pink steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 1 236 230 crystal steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 230 236 1 kahki steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 230 236 50 moon steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 1 150 150 mortar steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 50 150 150 mount rime

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 150 50 150 agate steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 150 150 50 mount nightmare

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 150 100 100 snowy steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 100 100 190 ivory steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 50 200 50 pearl steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 50 50 150 mauve steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 220 220 1 tawny steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 125 1 125 marble steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 125 125 200 paisley steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 50 160 90 emerald steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 142 39 46 Zebra

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 147 134 122 spotted steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 130 40 205 shadow steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 0 206 122 jade steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 90 142 190 pine steed

@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 130 79 186 red steed
Rare Steeds:
@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 142 39 46
@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 187 135 201
@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 147 134 122
@item Steed Fixed 12 255 255 13 13 62 63 184
#Pure Skills:
@spell 10400 0 Serenity
@spell 10425 Tranquiility
@spell 10430 4 Compassion
@spell 10313 4 StarArrow for archer
@spell 10315 4 DragonWhirl
@spell 10310 4 HeavenBlade
@spell 10311 0 Perseverance
@spell 30000 4 AzureShield
#Dances Skills
@spell 1380
@spell 1385
@spell 1390
@spell 1395
@spell 1400
@spell 1405
@spell 1410
@spell 1415
@spell 1416
@spell 1417
@spell 1418
@spell 1419
@spell 1420
@spell 1421
@spell 1422
@spell 1423
#ViperFang + DragonTail
@spell 11000 4
@spell 11005 4
#Monk Skills
@spell 10410 1
@spell 10381 1
@spell 10405 1
@spell 10425 1
@spell 10415 1
#Pirate Skills
@spell 11100 4
@spell 11030 4
@spell 11040 4
@spell 11050 4
@spell 11060 4
@spell 11070 4
@spell 11120 4
@spell 11130 4
@spell 11110 4
@spell 11140 4
#All Skills

@spell 3321 0 Piglett
@spell 6001 4 ToxicFog
@spell 6002 4 PoisonStar
@spell 6000 4 TwofoldBlades
@spell 6003 4 CounterKill
@spell 6004 4 ArcherBane
@spell 6010 0 ShurikenVortex
@spell 6011 0 FatalStrike
@spell 1000 4 thunder
@spell 1001 4 fire
@spell 1025 0 superman (Xp)
@spell 1002 3 tornado
@spell 1045 4 fast blade
@spell 1046 4 scent sword
@spell 1125 1 �������
@spell 1050 1 dash
@spell 1095 4 stigma
@spell 1110 0 cyclona
@spell 1115 4 hercules
@spell 1150 9 FireRing
@spell 1160 9 Bomb
@spell 165 9 FireofHell
@spell 1170 9 Nectar
@spell 1175 9 AdvancedCure
@spell 1180 9 FireMeteor
@spell 1190 9 SpiritHealing
@spell 1195 9 Meditation
@spell 1250 9 WideStrike
@spell 1260 9 SpeedGen
@spell 1270 9 Golem
@spell 1280 9 WaterElf
@spell 1290 9 Penetration
@spell 1300 9 Halt
@spell 1320 9 FlyingMoon
@spell 1350 9 DivinHare
@spell 1360 9 NightDevil
@spell 3050 9 CruelShade
@spell 3080 9 Dodge
@spell 3090 9 Pervade
@spell 3310 9 CuteBunny
@spell 3320 9 tuzi
@spell 5000 9 FreezingArrow
@spell 5001 9 SpeedLightning
@spell 5002 9 Poison
@spell 5010 9 Snow
@spell 5020 9 StrandedMonster
@spell 5030 9 Phoenix
@spell 5040 9 Boom
@spell 5050 9 Boreas
@spell 5100 IronShirt
@spell 7000 1 Seizer
@spell 7010 1 Earthquake
@spell 7020 9 Rage
@spell 7030 1 Celestial
@spell 7040 1 Roamer
@spell 7100 1 Seizer0
@spell 8000 1 RapidFire
@spell 8001 1 Scatter
@spell 8030 1 ArrowRain
@spell 8002 1 Fly
@spell 8036 1 Gua
@spell 8040 1 Turkey
@spell 8041 1 StoneMonster
@spell 8042 1 FireSnake
@spell 8043 1 RoaringApe
@spell 8044 1 SandMonster
@spell 1005 4 cura
@spell 1260 9 SpeedGun
@spell 1250 9 WideStrik
@spell 1300 9 Halt
@spell 5010 9 Snow
@spell 5020 9 StrandedMonster
@spell 5050 9 Boreas
@spell 10154 Accuracy
@spell 1175 4 AdvancedCure
@spell 1195 2 Meditation
@spell 1100 Pray/Revive
@spell 1095 4 Stigma
@spell 1165 3 FireofHell
@spell 1170 4 Nectar
@spell 1180 7 FireMeteor
@spell 8001 5 Scatter
@spell 9000 3 Intensify
@spell 8000 5 RapidFire
@spell 8002 9 XP Fly
@spell 8003 1 AdvancedFly
@spell 8030 0 ArrowRain
@spell 1020 0 XP Shield
@spell 1110 0 Cyclone
@spell 1350 4 DivineHare
@spell 1010 0 Lightning
@spell 1320 2 FlyingMoon
@spell 4000 3 SummonGuard
@spell 4010 0 SummonBat
@spell 3080 0 Dodge
@spell 9876 0 LuckyTime
comandos do 5533 e 5375 também funcionam nessa source? como @guildwar on e off... @bring all...



dica pra qem ainda procura comando: tá tudo em PacketHandler.cs

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